1.05 2005-11-11 Aaron Ciuffo * fixed a problem with creating and updating the data.cnt file - this was a problem introduced in the last version 1.04 2004-10-25 Aaron Ciuffo * re-wrote the installation sub to deal with a wider variety of conditions * Fixed a Sementation Fault problem related to DB access on whole, the hashes related to the DB were not untied after use. This lead to a variety of problems such as segfaults - this appeared to only be a problem on a few systems. * Fixed minor bug in the percentages subroutine. When -P was used -R new information was not displayed. This is a minor fix and not terribly important. This also applies to -p. * Cleaned up a few random pieces of junk that were laying around in the code. 1.03 2004-09-29 * Minor changes to documentation - fixed lots of spelling errors * Added -a option to add the source filename to the printed quote * Fixed one-off bug in max loops - Yes, I finally got around to it. I know that this was a major problem. Oh, wait. I'm just unemployed and bored. Never mind. * Minor changes to formating in the statisics output subroutine. 1.02 2004-03-12 Aaron Ciuffo * Minor changes to documentation * Minor formating changes to statistic output subroutine * The -R option now accurately updates quote files that have changed. Before it skipped over them; the only way around this was to run txsig -R -A to purge the DB and start fresh 1.01 2004-01-25 * Updates to the documentation for a bit more clarity * Minor updates to the documentation for accuracy and inclusiveness * Minor bug fix to handle bad or missing data from the .cnt file 1.0 2003-12-9 * Yet Another reWrite - most of the sub routines have been overhauled or patched up - V 1.0 handles errors much better - more verbose loging * TxSig now uses pointers to locate quotes in files; this is significantly faster than the older method that involved reading the file until the appropriate quote was found * TxSig no longer updates its database files automatically; this vastly improves speed. When changes are made to the quote file directory, txsig must be run with the -R option in order to update the files. * Significant speed improvements in the quote choosing sub routines * Change in DB format to include pointer informaiton - older txsig databases are NOT compatable. See the README for more information on upgrading (section 1.1.2) * A new file is created along side the data file called data.cnt that contains the total number of quotes 0.14a 2003-12-4 * changed the executable name - I've been informed that adding a .pl is bad form. Whatever. txsig.pl is now txsig. Change it if you want, it doesn't matter. * added option -S to add sigdahses like pine * changed option -k (print config) to -C; it's easier to remember, I think * changed option -a (print percentages) to -P; this too is easier 0.14: 2003-12-2 * txsig now only depends on standard perl modules: Getopt::Std and DB_file * config files have changed format and are much more strict; all entries must read as key=value Please update your config files by either using the -i option or by simply editing them by hand. - As always, whitespace and coment lines are ignored * added -a option to print probability of each quote being chosen (number of quotes in file/total quotes) * a few minor corrections to spelling and formating 0.13: 2003-11-25 * Total change of quote selection method; txsig is now 100% compatable with fortune files. See section 1.2 in the README for more information on *NECESSARY* changes to quote files. Also see README-1ST for more information. * Minor Changes in the documentation 0.12a: 2003-10-29 Aaron Ciuffo * Fixed possible endless looping in quote choosing subroutine. * Shored up logic for checking chosen quote qualities. * Added -k option to print out current configuration to the screen and to the log (~/txsig.log) if the verbosity is set high enough * updated documentation 0.12: 2003-10-25 Aaron Ciuffo * Project name change from siggen to txsig. Because I said so. * Migrated to a database file instead of plain text for master data file - DB_File is a standard perl modle * Total ground up rewrite of the quote choosing sub routine - weighted quote selection improved to provide a better distribution of selection * Added -p option to print the conttense of the data DB. 0.11: 2003-10-24 Aaron Ciuffo * Code re-write for redability and logic problems * Changed the way tha quote files are checked and updated in the datafile. Changes are now made in memory instead of on the disk * Default exclude pattern changed to time in epoch seconds * Added -t option to provide crude measurement of speed